Hey, Hej, Godentagh, Buenos noches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey i am Tonny. I am from Denmark and my interests
are: Sports, Music, Fasion. I'm not really 44 yaers old. It's a fact i am 13 and not very good
writing english. I'l go to school in a city called lindholm a few kilometres from Aalborg.
i like to party and to buy close. And i hate country music but i like techno, rap, pop, I also
play soccer
My favorite soccer Teams are: Manchester United,
Aab and Lazio, If You are Danish i have Written it
All + A little more, in the next box on Danish so you're not gonna
sit with a Danish-English Wordbook
Hej jeg hedder Tonny og mine interesser er:
Sport, Musik, Mode. Jeg er egentlig ikke 44 �r gammel Jeg er 13 jeg g�r i skole i en by der hedder lindholm f� kilometer fra Aalborg. Jeg elsker at feste og at k�be t�j. Jeg hader country men elsker techno, rap, pop, jeg spiller fodbold og er fan af Manchester og Aab. En lille hilsen til hele verden!
Favourite links

Email me at:
[email protected]

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